Thursday, December 27, 2018

My "Word" for 2019 is . . . . .

It has become popular for people to pick a word that represents a goal or a desire for the coming year.  But before I tell you my word for 2019, let me go back and remind you of my "words" from prior years.

My "Word" for 2015 was MORE.  I wanted MORE of Jesus.  You can read that post HERE.  Little did I know when I wrote that post that in 2015 my children would get married 49 days apart and our daughter would move 1,800 miles away to the state of California.  I truly needed MORE of Jesus as our daughter moving away was very hard on me.  Don't get me wrong, I was so happy for her.  But I MISSED HER!!  Our family is very close and we're used to spending a lot of time together.  That can't happen when one of the family lives so far away.  So I went to visit her two months after she got married and we talked on the phone every single day and I trusted Jesus that He could take care of her and He did.  They are now back home in Missouri safe and sound and live about 10 minutes away from me. Thank you Jesus for giving me MORE.

My "Word" for 2016 was PRAYER.  Specifically the power of prayer. You can read that post HERE.
Again, I could not have known how desperately I would need the power of prayer when I wrote that post.  My beautiful mother was diagnosed with colon cancer on July 29, 2016 and I needed more prayers than I had ever needed before.  There aren't words to describe how much I appreciated all the prayers that were lifted for my mother, and for me.  And while our prayers were not answered the way we wanted, I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW that my mother is healed and whole today, walking the streets of heaven and praising Jesus.  Her faith has truly become sight.  I can only imagine what she has seen and I look forward to the day when she meets me at those heavenly gates beside my Savior. What a day that will be.  Thank you Jesus for the power of PRAYER.

Based on the last two "Words" I chose you might be thinking "be careful what word you use!"  And I would say that's very true.  But how could I have known how important those two words would be in my life?  In January of both 2017 and 2018 I didn't pick a word.  I was consumed and overwhelmed with my mom's illness and taking care of her.  But I feel like for 2019 it's time for me to choose another word.

My "Word" for 2019 is SCATTER.  

My husband and I were watching television the other night and they were interviewing a famous man and he said something that has really stuck with me:

"You will be remembered, not for what you gather,
but for what you SCATTER."

The evening of my mom's visitation this past July over 400 people stood in line to pay their respects and to speak to me and my sisters and my dad.  They all shared a common theme of what a wonderful person she was, and what a difference she had made in their lives.  They talked about what a strong faith she had and how she had shared Jesus with them in life changing ways.  My mom SCATTERED her faith throughout her entire life and people remembered it and it changed them.  My mom made a difference because she SCATTERED the love of Jesus everywhere she went.

So for 2019 and beyond I want to be intentional about doing that same thing . . . . scattering the love of Jesus.  Asking people if they know Him, and sharing my faith with them boldly.  The loss of my mother has reminded me that this life is only temporary.  Only what we do for Jesus matters.  And above all else I want my life to have mattered for the kingdom of God.  I want to scatter blessings and generosity and encouragement and faith and hope and love.  People are desperate for something real, and Jesus is as real as it gets.