Thursday, July 24, 2014

Catching Up and another Prayer Request

Wow, I can't believe it is already July 24th.  My mom had her second hip replacement surgery on Monday . . . we brought her home from the hospital yesterday.

She is doing absolutely FANTASTIC!!  Yes, she has some post surgery pain.  But she FEELS great, she has a good appetite, she is up walking around some. Just so blessed.  THANK YOU all for praying for my mom.  I know God answered our prayers and I have prayed for each of you and asked God to bless you for praying for her.

If you don't mind, please keep praying for complete healing, for the pain to subside, for her strength to continue to increase, and for no infection.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  And thank you Jesus for answered prayer!!!

And now, onto my news about a trip I hinted about a few weeks ago.  My beautiful daughter and I are going on a cruise!!

Our ship sails from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida this Saturday afternoon.  And we cruise to Turks & Caicos, Dominican Republic, Curacao and Aruba!  We will return on Sunday, August 3rd.  

Again, I ask for prayers from you for a safe trip for me and Alex.  And, I hate to admit this, but I would appreciate your prayers for me as I really do not like to fly.  It makes me very nervous.  So please pray for God to just send His peace over me.  I have prayed and asked Him to take away my fear, and will appreciate your agreeing with me.

I will have lots of pictures to post when we return. 

Thank you again for your prayers.  We feel so blessed to be able to take this trip together.  As you know, Alex is heading to college in just a couple of weeks.  And the college she is attending is a couple of hours away.  I am so proud of her, but her moving out is really going to be hard on her dad and I.  So I will need even more prayers . . . needy aren't I???

But God is big, and I don't think He ever gets tired of hearing the prayers of His people.  Or of answering their prayers.  If we could only fathom just how much He loves us . . . . . . .

Have a very blessed day! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Oh What A Beautiful Morning . . . . .

 Lamentations 3:22-23  "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."

Thank you God that You are in control today. Nothing surprises You.  Nothing is too big for You.  Thank you that today, I belong to You and that You hold me in the palm of Your hand.  Thank You for the blessings in my life.  For all of my blessings come from You.  I love you Lord.  I praise You today.  Thank You for saving me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Please Pray for My Mom

You might recall that my mom had her right hip replaced in April.  Well, she is having the left hip replaced on Monday, July 21st.

Her right hip, her "new" hip, is doing great and she is almost completely pain free.

But the left hip, the "old" hip, is really giving her fits.  Arthritis is wreaking havoc on the joint and she is really in a lot of pain. 

I would appreciate your prayers for a successful surgery, for a quick recovery, and for peace.  She is, of course, nervous about the surgery.  If you're like me, and like to pray for someone by name, know that her name is Donnavee.  I know that God will be in that operating room with her.  He is The Healer.

It is beautiful here in Missouri today.  Temperatures in the 70s, blue skies and low humidity.  Feels more like fall (my favorite) than summer.  This kind of weather is a rarity for the middle of July around these parts.  Thank the Lord for recent rainfall.  We've not had an abundance of rain, but we've had rain every time we've really needed it.

Oh, and something I haven't talked about lately . . . gas prices.  $3.39 per gallon around here.

Next week I'll be sharing some details about a trip my daughter and I are taking very soon.  Passports are required . . . .

Stay tuned, and please keep my mom in your prayers!! 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Good Morning to you (or afternoon or evening depending on when you are taking the time to read this little blog of mine)!!!

Wow.  Can you believe today is the first day of July??  Another year half over.  I can't believe it myself.  Soon the days will get shorter, the temperatures will start dropping (which frankly is fine with me) and fall will be peeking around the corner.  Fall is my favorite time of year, hands down.  And yet, fall means winter is coming.  And winter in Missouri is no picnic.

Yesterday was my husband's 49th birthday.  We are the same age for 9 days.  And then.  And then.  My 50th birthday on July 9th.  Talk about something I can't believe.

I remember when 50 was old.  Seriously.  When I was in my 20s and 30s I really thought someone 50 was old.

I don't feel 50.  I don't feel old.  And those of you who ARE 50 and then some know what I mean.  I don't feel any older than when I was 25.  I really, really don't.

I somehow thought that by the time I was 50 my life would be slowing down.  It hasn't.  I still work full time and  as long as I work full time I will always be busy.  I used to think busy equaled good.  Now I'm not so sure.

But one thing I know, my life is changing.  My handsome son has bought a house and moved out.  I am so proud.  He has finished his first month at his big kid job.  He loves it.  I miss him.  I miss his messy room, and I miss his muddy boots on the floor.  People tell you when your kids are little that you will miss every second of it , and you think "NOT."  But you will.

Not that I'm counting, but we move our daughter to college in 45 days.  45 days until she no longer lives at home. 45 days until it's just back to me and my handsome husband.  45 days until our lives change forever.

Am I sad?? Are you kidding.  I cry just thinking about it.  I am so proud of her.  She will love college life.  She is ready.  I hear people say "I can't wait til' my kids get out of the house."  I have no comprehension of that.  If I could turn the clock back 15 years, I would do it in a heartbeat.  I would enjoy my kids more.  I would cherish every second more.  Because I would realize just how quickly the time would pass.  I guess that's why everyone loves their grandkids.  Because that's your second chance. 

I don't know if I am ready for all this change??  I don't know what I "do" next??  I've been a full-time mom for 21 years.  Now I am just mom from a distance. 

My microwave died last weekend.  The handle broke, so for safety reasons of course it won't turn on anymore.  My microwave oven was 27 years old.   Seriously.  I had had that microwave for over HALF OF MY LIFE.  I walk to the new microwave and I have to actually LOOK at it to figure out how to turn it on. That old microwave, I knew exactly what buttons to push.  But this one . . . really, I just want to heat up some water and a couple of tea bags for iced tea.  Three minutes and 20 seconds, then push start.  But wait?  This new microwave doesn't TAKE 3 minutes and 20 seconds to boil the water.  Change.

Life is so good.  I am so blessed.  And yet all this change is unsettling.  I keep waiting for things to get back to normal.  And then I realize the old normal is over.  Coming home to both kids, over.  My old microwave oven is gone.  I have to find a new normal.

I have less laundry to do.  I have more leftovers.

And I'm trying to figure out how I, ME, fits into all this change.  Because I know that I have to change too.  I can't keep wishing I could turn back the clock. That isn't going to happen.  I have to "embrace change."

How the heck do I do that???