It started raining at Down On The Farm on Sunday morning, early. My husband actually had the alarm set to get up early to go deer hunting. But I heard him get out of bed and, just a few minutes later, he got right back into bed. I said "aren't you going deer hunting?" And he replied, "nope, it's raining." And within 2 minutes he was sound asleep. Well, it's been raining ever since. It POURED Sunday morning and I mean p-o-u-r-e-d.
It rained all day Sunday and then it rained Sunday night. It rained Monday and Monday night. It was raining early this morning when I woke up and it has rained off and on ever since.
And guess what??? It's gonna rain tonight and tomorrow too. Does anyone know where the sun is hiding?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
If you don't like reading about a mom bragging on her offspring, then I can tell you right now you need to stop reading. This is NOT the post for you. Because, this past weekend I was so darn proud of my kids I could hardly stand it. We headed to Sedalia on Saturday for the Black & Gold Bonanza. This is an annual show for show animals. Alex has shown steers at our county fair the past couple of years. This fall she purchased a really sharp steer, Ticket, so we thought we'd take Ticket to the big city (OK, Sedalia isn't exactly the big city) and see how he would stack up against the big boys.
Saturday was the weigh-in, and Sunday morning was the show. Steers are shown in classes based on their breed (Angus, Chianini, cross-bred) and once in a class, they are shown by weight, so you are competing against steers of comparable size.
Getting the steer ready for the show takes a lot of work. Alex has been working with her steer for months. Feeding him, breaking him to lead, washing him, brushing him. So Saturday afternoon we took Ticket to Sedalia to the State Fairgrounds and weighed him in. Ticket weighed in at 715 pounds.
Now remember this was Cole's first time showing, and he did awesome. He was very calm, very professional. I doubt one person at the show knew he had never set foot in a show ring before. And if they did notice, well, they forgot it quickly when Cole looked their way. You talk about a handsome young man, well . . . he IS!
Speaking of the actual show, I must say that we were seriously out classed, or should I say OUT SPENT. Alex showed her steer against two other steers in her class. One of the steers the owners paid $6,000 for, and the other steer, that took first place, the owners paid $7,000 for. Several of the steers and heifers in the heavier weight classes (Cole and Alex both showed in light weight classes) had been bought for $20,000, $30,000 and up. Just no way for us to compete against animals like that. But we had a great time and we learned a lot and we enjoyed a lot of quality family time.
Now, who wouldn't be proud of these kids???
Saturday was the weigh-in, and Sunday morning was the show. Steers are shown in classes based on their breed (Angus, Chianini, cross-bred) and once in a class, they are shown by weight, so you are competing against steers of comparable size.
Getting the steer ready for the show takes a lot of work. Alex has been working with her steer for months. Feeding him, breaking him to lead, washing him, brushing him. So Saturday afternoon we took Ticket to Sedalia to the State Fairgrounds and weighed him in. Ticket weighed in at 715 pounds.
After Ticket was taken care of, we headed over to the Calf Quest sale. Steers and heifers are auctioned off to be "shown" at county fairs and shows all over. One person bidding from Colorado by telephone, and two bidders from Arkansas by telephone were high bidders. There were about 50 animals sold that night. One of our friends bought a steer Saturday night and wanted to enter him in the show Sunday morning so, Cole was drafted to show the new steer.
Now Cole really enjoys working with cattle. He has his own rent farm and has 11 cow/calf pairs, 3 bred heifers and one young heifer. But Cole has never "shown" cattle. He enjoys helping Alex get ready for the shows but he has always said he would rather be in the background than in the ring. But he stepped up when he was needed and he showed the new steer Sunday morning at the show.
Of course, Sunday morning, both animals had to be washed and dried again.
When it came show time, Cole and Alex both did extremely well. Alex handled her steer like an old pro. She was confident, professional, and kept Ticket under control in a totally new environment. And she was absolutely the most beautiful one there. Seriously. I am not prejudice. I know pretty when I see it.
Now remember this was Cole's first time showing, and he did awesome. He was very calm, very professional. I doubt one person at the show knew he had never set foot in a show ring before. And if they did notice, well, they forgot it quickly when Cole looked their way. You talk about a handsome young man, well . . . he IS!
Speaking of the actual show, I must say that we were seriously out classed, or should I say OUT SPENT. Alex showed her steer against two other steers in her class. One of the steers the owners paid $6,000 for, and the other steer, that took first place, the owners paid $7,000 for. Several of the steers and heifers in the heavier weight classes (Cole and Alex both showed in light weight classes) had been bought for $20,000, $30,000 and up. Just no way for us to compete against animals like that. But we had a great time and we learned a lot and we enjoyed a lot of quality family time.
Now, who wouldn't be proud of these kids???
I am the most blessed mother on earth. I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
2009 Black & Gold Bonanza Show
I don't have anything to do this weekend. My house is absolutely spotless. My laundry is all caught up. My yard is manicured. Wait a minute. Who am I kidding? I have a MILLION THINGS I need to be doing this weekend, but they won't get done. Because, my baby is showing her steer, Ticket, at the 2009 Black & Gold Bonanza Show in Sedalia!!!! Alex has shown steers at our local county fair the past two summers and has had a ton of fun. This year, she's "takin' it to the next level" as they say. So, we're gonna load up the stock trailer and head to Sedalia on Saturday for the weigh-in, then be back up there Sunday morning for the show.
If you're interested, here is the link with all the show information
Alex is so excited, it's all she talks about. But, I personally am convinced, that Billy Paul is more excited than she is!!!!! We think she can learn a lot from watching the other kids, and steers, at this show, things that will help her next summer at the county fair. I'll report back next week on our adventures and I'll have pictures too! Think Griswold family here . . . . . . . . .
If you're interested, here is the link with all the show information
Alex is so excited, it's all she talks about. But, I personally am convinced, that Billy Paul is more excited than she is!!!!! We think she can learn a lot from watching the other kids, and steers, at this show, things that will help her next summer at the county fair. I'll report back next week on our adventures and I'll have pictures too! Think Griswold family here . . . . . . . . .
Monday, November 2, 2009
Youth Season

Not sure if you remember, but I have talked before about the "seasons" at my house. Fescue season, hay season, well, right now it's Youth Season. And for you city slickers, that's Youth Season for deer hunting. Yep, my kids are deerslayers. Cole, he's too old for Youth Season, as you have to be 15 years old or younger on opening day of youth season. Alex and BP went hunting Saturday morning and Saturday night and saw nothing but does. Then Sunday morning, they saw a buck but it was too far away. But last night, well, as you can see, Alex got a buck. That means deer jerky at our house! Great job, Alex!
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