Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prayers for the family of Chad Stover

Chad Stover passed away this morning.  He is the young man from our area who was injured in a football game on October 31st.

He never regained consciousness.

He turned 17 last week.

Please pray for his parents, his siblings, his extended family and friends and for the entire community of Tipton, Missouri.   They are devastated.

I prayed for Chad.  I prayed for God to heal him.  And I KNOW that our God is able to heal.  I believe it with all my heart.

But He did not answer our prayers as we wanted them answered.  We wanted a miracle.  We wanted Chad to open his eyes and raise up and be back to the way he was.

But that was not God's plan.  I'm sure Chad's parents wonder why.  I wonder why.

And there is no answer.

Why did God allow a young man with his entire life ahead of him to die?

I don't know.

But I still trust Him.  

2 Chronicles 20:12 "We do not know what to do but our eyes are on you."

I know that God knows what He's doing.  I don't understand it, but I trust Him.  And that trust is my comfort.  I hope Chad's family knows the Lord.  I hope Chad did.

Please pray for Chad's family over the coming days, and weeks, and months. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so sorry; like you, I choose to believe God's plan, even when I haven't any idea or clue about the next step or the reason why the last one was taken.
