Monday, June 21, 2010

Hay Season

Disclaimer - I did NOT take the above photo. My camera is having "technical difficulties" so I have been unable to transfer the picture to my computer. But, for you "city folks" this is what we did yesterday!

I spent most of yesterday afternoon on a tractor.  A tractor with a hay rake hooked up to it.  Summertime in Missouri means hay season.  We bale the hay to feed to our cattle during the long, cold Missouri winters.  Our cattle would starve without that hay, so we take baling hay very seriously. 

It was so hot yesterday it was absolutely miserable.  And no, in case you're wondering, the tractor I was on did NOT have a cab. 

But next winter when the snow flies and the cattle are standing around munching on hay, and standing behind the hay bales to get out of the cold north wind, we will remember these hot days, and smile.


  1. I wouldn't know the first thing about farming or baling hay. You do work hard. Hope you have lots of hay and full, fat cattle. :)

  2. What a job done well~it feels so good when it is all done!
    Thank you for your sweet words today. I sure miss my Boston. I have tried to stay busy.
    Hope you are relaxing this evening after all that hard work!

  3. We need rain so bad!!! Not too much hay growing around here if we don't get some very soon.

  4. our tractor has a cab but the AC doesn't work so it's HOT! but it's great for closing up and avoiding the bee swarms that sometimes appear :) We baled hay this weekend also!

  5. We are cutting hay also. it is a hot job.....

  6. And next winter you'll probably wish you had some of that free heat as well :D

  7. We are so behind with haying up here--we have had a ton of rain! It always gets done though, right?
