Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This 'n That and a Giveaway!

Please continue to pray for Thomas, the four-month old boy who had heart surgery last week.  Several complications have arisen, and little Thomas has had a rough week.  But we know that our God is more than able to handle this situation, so please continue to lift Thomas and his parents in prayer.

Michael, the young man with the head injury is doing wonderfully.  They have removed the ventilator and he is able to sit up some and to verbally respond to some basic questions.  He has a long way to go, but again, we know that God is BIG as we pray for Michael and his parents.  Thank you God for what you have already done in the lives of Thomas and Michael!

My friend Carrie at Farming On Faith is having a contest and she is giving away a pair of reading glasses.  If you haven't yet had to start wearing "cheater" glasses to see close up, trust me you will.   I didn't think it would ever happen to me.  I have two pair :).  But I would sure like to win these, they look purty!!!!

Finally, I want to let you all know that I will be "missing" from blogging for a few days.  We are headed out of town for a family reunion.  Please pray for us for a safe, smooth flight there and back.  I especially ask that you pray for the Holy Spirit to give me an opportunity to share Jesus.  Just like each of you, I have many unsaved loved ones.  Pray for Jesus to give me words to speak that others might come to know Him. 

I will catch up on all your blogs when I get back, and I'll share some pictures of our family and our trip!  Thanks for all your prayers!!!  They truly are appreciated!  I am so blessed to have each of you in my life! 


  1. Enjoy your family reunion. We had one last weekend in Iowa and it was a ball. I just haven't got around to blogging about it.
