Monday, August 1, 2016

An Update

It was my prayer that this post would be announcing a completely normal colonoscopy.

In spite of our prayers for this "cup" to pass over us, God has chosen that we will walk through the fiery trial of colon cancer.  That was my mom's diagnosis following her colonoscopy
this past Friday.

Are we disappointed?  Yes.
Are we afraid?  Yes. (Just being honest.)
Are we hopeless?  NO!!


So here is where we are.  My mom has a CT scan of her abdomen Tuesday morning (August 2nd) at 8:30 a.m. to see if the cancer has spread past the outer wall of her colon.  WE ARE PRAYING MIGHTILY THAT THE CANCER IS CONTAINED IN HER COLON.  She will have to have surgery to remove a part of her large intestine, where the tumor is located, but if the cancer is contained she probably will not have to have any chemo or radiation.  THAT IS OUR PRAYER!!!!!

We also need God to open doors to the surgeon that He wants us to use.  We are looking into several options, as we want the BEST care possible for her.  So we would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and guidance and open doors.

Again, I thank each of you for praying.  We are fixing our eyes on Jesus and are DETERMINED that what the enemy meant for harm, GOD IS GOING TO USE FOR HIS GLORY!!!!!

Bless you all, and please agree with me and my family in prayer for my mom, Donna.


  1. I'm so sorry and I'll be praying for your mom. My mom's best friend was also diagnosed with colon cancer last week- went in for a routine colonoscopy and found an orange size tumor. Your faith and positivity are inspirational- praying for the best possible outcome!

  2. Praying for you, your mom, and the medical team!

  3. Sending love, hugs, strength, and prayers as your mom fights this hand in hand with the Lord.

  4. Blessing to you and family ♥

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  7. Sister...comin'over to leave you &your family a prayer.Agreeing with you in Spirit for your mother's healing, comfort, strength, provisions...not only for her but for all of you. My father went through this and deep inside, we all knew, if not for Jesus, facing that storm was impossible for us to survive. Only when we know Jesus and his gift of hope and joy,would be the only way to get through hardships/circumstances. We knew at that moment that the joy in our hearts were truly not of this world! May you always be strong in God's mighty power knowing that faith, as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains! Blessings & prayers.

    1. Sorry sister. I don't know why the same comment I wrote published 3 times.

  8. My heart is tuned in to anyone whose mother is struggling health wise. I lost my mother this past April and God so encouraged my heart with so many of my blog friends praying for her and me.
